The visit
It was a bright Tuesday Afternoon, Patients were not coming, my boss was not around and the only thing rational to me was absconding from my duty post except that the sun was way too hot than it should be. I decided to visit my whatsapp, the most used application on my phone but as Satan will have it, all my numerous groups were in exile. Even my attempts to elicit noise in my class whatsapp group chat for which I was notorious in was even ignored, I became frustrated and was about running to Facebook save for a message from one of the Fine girls that find me irresistible
🤓. This one shaa na another long story. She called me a confused pharmacist because of my diary o and since I didn't want to reduce my chance of making her my 100th girl friend, the name of our column shall from today become the confused diary of a pharmacy student.

About 3 minutes into our convo, I got a call from the counter informing me of a visitor who wants to see me.
I looked up and saw a man whom from my calculation should be in his late thirties, no wedding ring on his finger and was on a coat, sorry suit three times his original size. His tie was broad and as long as him and was the same color as his Bible. On seeing my visitor, I was shocked because most of the young guys that have requested to see me in private have similar problems. It's either their staff of office is now playing host to bacterials and fungi, or they need a cover when going for the other room business. From his dressing and the Bible he was carrying, it was hard placing him in any of the two categories, but all the same I was few steps away from the man and few seconds away from proving my friend Mike, who believes that everybody is bad unless proven good.
I looked up and saw a man whom from my calculation should be in his late thirties, no wedding ring on his finger and was on a coat, sorry suit three times his original size. His tie was broad and as long as him and was the same color as his Bible. On seeing my visitor, I was shocked because most of the young guys that have requested to see me in private have similar problems. It's either their staff of office is now playing host to bacterials and fungi, or they need a cover when going for the other room business. From his dressing and the Bible he was carrying, it was hard placing him in any of the two categories, but all the same I was few steps away from the man and few seconds away from proving my friend Mike, who believes that everybody is bad unless proven good.
We exchanged pleasantries, and his request of seeing me in private came as a killer to my already troubled soul. I hastily granted his wish, and let him in. When we had the needed privacy, he spoke up. He introduced himself as a pastor and co-ordinates a ministry that seeks out Doctors, Pharmacists, Lawyers and other professionals, pray and encourage them to be good ambassadors of Christ etc. This came as a big relief, I wanted to dismiss him but on a second thought, I told him that he must not exceed 3 minutes. He led the prayer and I followed. The prayer was the shortest I have seen a Pentecostal say in a long while. As I was about to thank him, he said something that I was not sure of but it sounded like offertory time. I decided to ignore it, thanked him for his time and proceeded to walk him out. He repeated the same thing, louder and clearer and I was now sure it was offertory time. I thanked him louder and saw him off with a stern look that won't encourage him to ask for offertory again.
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